Terms and Conditions (June 2024)

Book your dream experience with confidence. Padel Tripper Ltd (UK registered company 15698275, 45 Lorraine Court, London NW1 8SG) is a member of Protected Trust Services which means that your payments to us are 100% protected and insured. In the unlikely event that we cease trading, you will receive a full refund. As our packages include more than 2 components (accommodation, padel coaching, airport transfers for example) you are covered under The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018.


By paying your deposit or full payment you are accepting Padel Tripper Ltd terms and conditions within this document for your trip. A minimum deposit of £300 per person is required when you book your experience. The full balance is due 14 weeks/98 days before the arrival date. These booking conditions form the basis of your contract. The right is reserved to cancel any booking not paid by the due date. The group organiser must be at least 18 years old. All client funds are paid to Padel Tripper Ltd and are protected using Protected Trust Services.

Accommodation standard pricing is based on 2 people sharing each room. A single occupancy charge is applied and will be detailed in the booking process. All prices and payments are Pounds Sterling (GBP).

We will make the necessary reservations and your deposit is accepted in part payment of the agreed total cost of the booking. At the point we receive your deposit payment we secure your accommodation and therefore the deposit becomes non–refundable.

For all bookings made within 14 weeks/98 days of the arrival date, the full amount of the booking cost are required to be paid.


It is essential that all travellers and groups arrange their own suitable and adequate travel / holiday insurance cover. Your travel insurance should then provide cover in the event of cancellations or curtailment due to injuries that can occur in sport.

Please check your confirmation email / itinerary paperwork carefully and report any incorrect or incomplete information to us immediately. You must ensure that names are exactly as stated in the relevant passport. Please ensure that your passport / visa is valid for the duration of your booking. Please note that Padel Tripper Ltd hold no responsibility if any person/s in your group or entire group being denied travel due to not meeting the requirements of travel. It is your responsibility to be in possession of a valid passport and any necessary visas, or health documents, as required, for the entire duration of your stay, and to ensure that you meet the entry requirements of the countries that you are travelling to. Requirements may change and you must check the up to date position in good time prior to departure. We cannot accept liability, or consider refunds if you cannot travel, because of incomplete / incorrect spellings on documentation or any person on your booking denied travel due to not meeting the entry requirements of travel.

We plan the arrangements for our experiences many months in advance and although it is unlikely that we will have to make any changes to confirmed arrangements, it does occasionally happen. We reserve the right to make such changes at any time. If we have to make a major change to your agreed schedule you may either: (a) Accept the changed arrangements. (b) Purchase another experience from us at the same price within 12 months of the original travel departure date.


If it becomes necessary for you or any member of your group to cancel your booking or part of it, you must inform us in writing immediately via email to hello@padeltripper.com

Cancellation charges are calculated from the date we receive written notification. Please see below:
More than 98 days before departure – Loss of Deposit
From 97 to 1 day before departure – 100% of total booking

We will endeavour to fill the space you have paid for, if we can we will offer you a future experience of the same value if possible or a patial refund if it we can fill the exact space. When we take a booking we immediately have to pay non-refundable insurance fees and other costs so any refund that we may offer will be minus these fees.


In the unlikely event of there being something not to your liking whilst attending one of our events that is in our direct control, you must report it to us immediately. Unless there is a valid reason why you fail to report your complaint to us then we will not consider ourselves to be liable in respect of complaints, which were not registered. If the matter cannot be rectified immediately, details of your complaint should be submitted in writing hello@padeltripper.com no later than 7 days after your date of return. We will not accept liability in respect of claims received outside this period.


Our events are usually held in the sunniest places in Europe which generally ensures good weather. However, we do not accept responsibility in the event of inclement weather to the coaching programme, which may need to be rearranged. Every effort will be made to make up the lost hours but this cannot be guaranteed. Our clients freely accept the risk that weather conditions may affect in whole or part the number of hours to be provided.

We cannot accept liability in any circumstances where performance and/or prompt performance of the contract is prevented by reasons of war, threat of war, civil strife, riots, terrorist activities, industrial disputes, communicable diseases, natural and nuclear disaster, fire or adverse weather conditions.

If, in the opinion of the Padel Tripper representative on site, your behaviour or the behaviour of anyone in your party/group is such that it impairs the enjoyment or upsets other clients, disrupts the activities or upsets any of our local residence or suppliers, in the first instance you will be given a warning, but if the unacceptable behaviour persists, we reserve the right to terminate all arrangements immediately without refund. Any charges incurred as a result of unacceptable behaviour are the responsibility of the group or individual and must be paid for prior to your departure from the resort or hotel. This may incur extra flight costs & transfer fees payable by the offending party or parties. Also we reserve the right at our absolute discretion to terminate without notice the event arrangements of any client or customer whose behaviour is such that it is likely in our opinion to cause distress, damage to other customers, employees, property/local residents or to any third party. Full cancellation charges will apply and we will be under no obligation whatsoever to provide a refund or compensation for costs that may be incurred. Padel Tripper Ltd has no control over the behaviour of person(s) / group(s) staying at, or visiting the same sports centre/accommodation and is not responsible for any withdrawal or impairment of facilities, loss or damage caused.


By booking onto one of our events you agree the you and all participants are of a sufficient level of fitness to play padel for a number of hours each day during your stay without assistance. By their very nature, our events will require a reasonable level of athletic ability. We reserve the right to exclude you from individual activities or from the coaching programme as a whole if in the considered opinion of our team the demands of the sport would be detrimental to the interests or safety of you or the group as a whole. It is your responsibility to ensure you are able to participate fully and we cannot refund you for any missed activities. 

By accepting our Terms & Conditions you acknowledge that you may be photographed during your stay, along with other members of your event. This images may be used on our website or any of our social media platforms or for other marketing purposes. To opt out, please send an email to hello@padeltripper.com

You will appreciate that many people and companies, over whom Padel Tripper has no control, are involved in the planning and provisions of your booking. Padel Tripper Ltd has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the supplier of services provided are of an acceptable standard. We will accept responsibility for the proven negligent acts and/or omissions of our employees and agents whilst acting within the scope of or arising as a result of death, bodily injury or illness to you or any member of your party. However please note: liability will only be accepted if you can prove that the death, injury or illness was caused by the negligence of Padel Tripper Ltd, its servants or agents. No liability can be accepted for any negligent acts or omissions of air or sea carriers, whose responsibilities are governed by international convention, which may limit or exclude liability. We cannot accept any liability for loss, damage or expense resulting from war or terrorist activities threatened or actual, civil unrest, closure of airports, industrial action threatened or actual or any event outside our control where such events delay, extend or compel a change in arrangements. We shall not be responsible in the event that any named host coach is not available as a consequence of injury, illness or any other reason beyond our control.


The Contract shall be governed, construed, interpreted and shall take effect solely in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts with regard to any and all disputes arising between You and Us.